If trustworthy plumber you have a cracked windshield replace it don't settle for windshield repair. It is bogus. If your insurance company insists on windshield repair, refuse that type of service and demand a new one. You have that right and you also have the right to choose your own glass company.
The repair of a ballcock tube is the simplest repair of all toilet leaks. There is a small black tube that is in the tank of the toilet that connects to the flush valve fill tube. If the tube slips from the little clasp that holds it in place, it can begin spraying water line repair in the tank and out from under the tank cover. To fix this toilet leak, simple re-attach the black tube to the clip. It really is that simple.

One other common design that is considered "washerless" was made famous by Delta and copied by several other makers. It uses little "cup" seals that fit over springs recessed in the back of the valve body. The springs press these "seals" against the cartridge and regulate the flow through little tapered openings in the cartridge. If you have one of these and it's dripping, changing these springs and seals will usually correct it. Here's a tip. Once you have the cartridge out of the way, insert a phillips screwdriver into the seal and pop both the seal and spring out. Stick the new ones on the end of the screwdriver to help guide them into place. This is especially helpful if you don't have long slender fingers.
65. Anchoring factors: Seabed and holding ground, is my anchor suitable? Tidal flow, currents. Clear of fairways, channels and ferry routes. Adequate marks to find clear exit if we have to leave in a hurry. Length of stay. Depth of water now, next low water's depth, how much chain? Swinging circle, clear of other moored craft. Weather now and the forecast, do we have shelter? Distance to shore, suitable landing places. Distance to nearest pub.
As with anything, when you are not sure how to fix a plumbing issue and when you don't have the proper equipment, you should contact a professional. They can usually find out what the problem is and resolve it for you in a short period of time. They will also be able to tell you if you have any other problems and water line repair they can suggest resolutions.
Turn the water off at the main shutoff valve at the street. You should be able to take a pair of pliers(or your bare hands) and turn the valve at the water meter to shut off the water to your home. Once you have shut off the water you can cut the pipe around the leak and make the repair.
Once you've located the water shut off, turn it off. Now, you can turn your attention to trying to contain the water damage caused by any leaking. Get towels, fans, blankets, or anything else to try and sop up water that is sitting on carpet or wood floors. Linoleum floors usually don't undergo much damage from having water sitting on them, unless there are cracks in the linoleum (often invisible) where the water can seep in. When your Queens plumber arrives, you will be one step ahead by following these instructions.